At such a pathology the great (first) toe is dislocated medially and its bone deviates laterally, with bunion, and other toes (as a rule, the second and the fifth ones) bend in the form of a hammer (hammertoe). These deformations are often accompanied by toe twists over each other, pain in joints and painful blisters.
Possible causes of deformations
- Platypodia (flat foot).
- Joint diseases (arthritis).
- Soft tissue inflammation.
- Uncomfortable footware.
- Obesity.
- Professional activity (sport, ballet).
- Traumas.
- Inheritance.
Types and pecularities of the surgery
During the surgery the toe deformation is corrected, toes are placed in the right position and bunions are removed. If necessary, a radical treatment is carried out – the arch of foot is corrected and flat foot is eliminated.
Methods of surgery manipulations depend on the types of deformation: deformations can be soft (non-rigit) and fixed (rigid).
In case of soft (non-rigit) deformation surgery is performed on soft tissues – tendons and plantar ligaments.
Fixed (rigit) deformations require surgery on bones, including osteotomy, in order to:
- Remove bunion of the great toe.
- Reconstruct the toe’s bone.
- Balance the muscle around the joint to avoid deformation recurrence.
General contraindications: cancer, cardio-vascular and acute infectious diseases, chronic hypertensive disease, thyroid diseases, diabetis, blood-clotting disorder, inflammatory conditions in feet.
How is the surgery performed in “Certus” clinic?
Pre-surgery examination: 1 hour.
Duration of the surgery: 1-3 hours (depending on the complexity and type of the surgery). The patient stays in a clinical setting for 1-3 days.
Anaesthesis: general anaesthesia or local anaesthesia with sedative medications.
Incision options: internal foot surface, intertoe spaces.
*Recovery period. After the surgery the patient wears an elestic hermetic bandage on their foot. Weight bearing on the whole foot is possible after 1 month. The stitches are removed in 7-10 days.
*Side effects: temporary bruises, swellings, moderate pain in the foot, restrictions of movement.
*Risks: infectious complications, hematomas, long healing, recurrence of the disease, insufficient correction of toe deformations.
*Result: permanent on conditions of properly chosen footware and corrective insoles.
*The effect, result, risks, and recovery period depend on the individual peculiarities of the human body.
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