Dream Chin: Why Endoprosthetics Are Trending

29/03/2019 Blog

Chin arthroplasty is a change in its shape or an increase in size.

The material was taken from Сегодня.Lifestyle.

Chin reshaping is gaining popularity in Ukraine.

Few people are 100% satisfied with their appearance, and chin correction surgeries are becoming fashionable among young girls. What is their relevance, you may wonder? It’s simple: today, sharp facial features, pronounced angles of the lower jaw, and a sharp chin are in trend. This makes the face visually thinner and more aristocratic, while the massive chin elongates it and reduces the volume in the cheeks. If you combine these new, clear contours with the removal of Bisha lumps, you get the so-called Instagram effect, which aspires to the popular Angelina Jolie standard.

Surgical correction of the chin also solves problems with the shape and size of the lower face, which are very common in my patients today. Usually, these problems arise for two reasons: due to underdevelopment of the lower jaw or due to a bite problem, that is, an incorrect ratio of the teeth of the upper and lower jaw. Accordingly, there is a deficit in the chin area, there is disharmony between the proportions of the face and a not very good effect is obtained — the so-called bird profile, when the chin is sloping and it seems that the front part of the face protrudes. These problems should be corrected by orthodontists using braces. However, many people are not ready to spend time, effort and money to be treated, and the operation allows you to get the result instantly.

Igor Zolotarenko, maxillofacial and plastic surgeon at Certus Clinic, explains how chin arthroplasty is performed.

Methods of chin correction

To solve all these problems, there are three basic techniques.

The first one is endoprosthetics, when we insert an implant into the chin area and fix it on the lower jaw, compensating for the volume that is missing in this area. This is the simplest technique possible.

The second option is when an incision is made in the lower jaw, the bone block is moved to a new position and fixed in it. This technique is more complicated, but it allows you to solve two problems at once. First, to change the configuration of the lower jaw and add volume to the chin area. Secondly, to remove the second chin in some cases. The fact is that people with underdevelopment of the lower jaw have a poorly defined chin-neck angle. During the operation, soft tissues are moved along with the bone, we get a lifting effect and to some extent eliminate the presence of a second chin. But this is not a panacea, because it can also be formed due to fat deposition.

The third option is to fill the chin area with any fillers. It can be lipofilling or the more familiar hyaluronic acid. But fillers have one property: they always give a temporary effect that requires repeating the procedure.

How the operation is performed

Based on my current practice, I can say that endoprosthetics is still the most popular technique now. Why? Because it is a minimally invasive procedure, i.e. one that does not require large incisions. The operation is quite quick, usually taking up to one hour. The procedure can be performed under both local and general anesthesia. In the mouth, in the fold under the lip, an incision is made 2-3 centimeters long, so there will be no visible traces on the face. An implant is inserted into this incision, which is fixed to the bone using suture material or titanium screws, but these are the details. Implants themselves are usually anatomically shaped, come in different sizes and are made of different materials. In the end, the wound in the mouth is sutured with self-absorbable sutures, and we get a visible effect immediately on the operating table. Yes, the result is not final, because in most cases the tissues are still swollen. In the oral cavity, however, wounds heal quickly and well, so within a week a person is already rehabilitated and can return to normal life. As for the swelling, it starts to disappear in three days. Another good news is that everything we have implanted into the tissue can be removed painlessly at any time. In those rare cases when the patient does not like the result or the implant causes discomfort, we correct the situation without any moral, material, or physical losses. The same applies to corrections if the patient suddenly wants to change the size.

In conclusion, I would like to say that changing your appearance surgically should be taken very responsibly. You should not succumb to fashion trends and forget about your own individuality and natural facial features. And if the decision to get plastic surgery is already well thought out and balanced, be sure to entrust it to qualified and experienced doctors.