Top 3 Trends in Plastic Surgery

29/03/2019 Blog

The material was taken from the Обозреватель website

The world does not stand still, and neither does plastic surgery. The canons of beauty are rapidly changing, science and technology are developing, and new trends in appearance correction are emerging at the same time.

And while breast augmentation and liposuction have long been commonplace, the most dexterous beauties are already storming the doors of clinics, interested in completely different procedures.

As the head of the Association of Plastic Surgeons and based on my own practice, I have identified three main unusual trends in recent years.


Dimples on the cheeks are in fashion now, and plastic surgeons come to the rescue for those who were not endowed with them. Today, many young girls are turning to doctors: some want minor or small dimples, while others ask for more noticeable ones.

How does it work? A small incision is created on the inner surface of the cheek — in the place where the dimple will be located. At the site of the incision, the adjacent areas of adipose tissue or the cheek muscle itself are cut from the sides. After that, the mucous membrane of the oral cavity is sutured to the skin, creating a small tissue deficit in the right place and, importantly, forming an adhesion between the inner surface of the cheek and the skin itself. This creates the coveted dimples on the cheeks.

As for the location, based on my own experience, I can say this: as a rule, everyone has dimples. Are you surprised? It’s just that in a normal state they are not visible, but if you try to pull in your cheeks, they appear in everyone. The projection of subtle depressions forms the place of future dimples. There are also certain aesthetic guidelines: the dimples should be located at the level of the corners of the mouth and should be 2-3 centimeters apart. The good news for beauties is that the operation is performed without external incisions, under local anesthesia, and does not require a hospital stay. Doctors apply only a few small stitches, usually with absorbable sutures. Therefore, the recovery period is very short — about 10 days.


Operations using the patient’s own tissues are becoming increasingly popular. For example, for breast augmentation. This is the so-called lipofilling. By the way, in Europe, it is now “on the wave” because problems with breast augmentation with implants make us look for something safer (for example, artificial material may not implant). And using your own tissue or your own fat is the way to go.

However, it is easy to afford it for those who have their own reserves in sufficient quantities. The situation is more complicated for people who do not have them. But this problem can be solved: by taking a small amount of sample, it is possible to grow the required amount of adipose tissue in a biotechnology laboratory. However, this innovative approach will cost more than implants.

The fat is taken from places where it is in excess. As a rule, these are the abdomen, lumbar region, outer and inner thighs. The procedure is carried out with special tubes using devices that allow you to cleanse this fat. After purification, it is washed and separated from various impurities and blood. The resulting fat is then injected into the breast area using thin tubes, and augmentation is achieved.

In addition, to achieve a more stable and long-term result, adipose tissue can be enriched with stem cells. And better tissue engraftment can be achieved by adding a small portion of platelet-rich plasma.


Well, hollow cheeks are also a trendy trend today. And the most popular plastic surgery that helps to acquire them is the removal of lumps of Bisha.

In fact, it is the removal of fatty tissue through an internal incision in the oral mucosa. However, sometimes people don’t understand what kind of surgery they really need and come in saying: “I need to remove lumps of Bisha”. And after the consultation, it turns out that they have completely different problems and no lumps at all. Often these are people who have just heard about this operation or seen the results on someone they know. Another reason for the popularity of this procedure is that it is an image procedure. What does this mean? It’s simple: people want to have it done in order to look like the beauty standards on the covers of glossy magazines.

If lumps of Bisha removal is not combined with another surgery, then to remove them, it is enough to simply make a small incision in the oral mucosa. The operation is performed with traditional surgical instruments — a laser, as well as an ultrasonic, radiofrequency or conventional scalpel. The essence of this does not change, and the result is the same. Lumps of Bisha can also be removed in combination with a facelift — through a parotid incision. But this applies to patients over 40 years old.

In any case, the procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia, but if the patient wishes, it can also be performed under general anesthesia. The recovery period does not last long — 7-10 days are enough, because wounds on the mucous membrane heal quickly due to good blood supply. The operation itself takes about 30 minutes.

Achieving the ideal has always been and will always be hard work, but it is important not to forget about your individuality. Remember that fashion is fleeting. You should not fanatically adjust yourself to imaginary standards. Do everything wisely and be beautiful!