Natalia Prokopovych

Natalia Prokopovych

Dentist, endodontist

Work experience in the specialty – 6 years.





Освіта та кваліфікація

  • 2012 – 2017 Bogomolets National Medical University, qualification of “Dental Practitioner”.
  • 2017-2019 Bogomolets National Medical University, internship in the specialty “Dentistry”.

Досвід роботи

Підвищення кваліфікації

  • 2017 Certificate for participation in permanent scientific and practical seminars of DOSES CODE on pediatric dentistry.
  • 2017 “Modern strategies for the prevention and treatment of dental diseases: world experience and development prospects”
  • 2017 Medical School, Practical Course for Dentists.
  • 2018 Training course on First Aid organized by Ukrainian Red Cross Society.
  • 2018 Scientific and Practical Conference “Traumatic injuries in the maxillofacial area in children”
  • 2019 Adhesive Technologies
  • 2019 Fundamentals of occlusion and articulation.
  • 2019 Seminar “Diseases of the oral mucosa”
  • 2019 Conference “The concept is a step forward. Diagnosis. Therapy. Digital dentistry.
  • 2019 Congress “Analysis of long-term results in endodontics”2019 Conference Dentsply Sirona, therapeutic dentistry section
  • 2019 Conference “Harmony of unity. Endodontics and Restoration »
  • 2019 “Odontogenic sinusitis. A modern approach to treatment in teamwork of a dentist and otolaryngologist»


  • Professional oral hygiene.
  • Direct tooth restoration.
  • Endodontic treatment.