Nakonechnyi Volodymyr
Anesthesiologist at Kiev City Center for Plastic Microsurgery and Aesthetic Medicine “Certus”.
Anesthesiologist at Kiev City Center for Plastic Microsurgery and Aesthetic Medicine “Certus”.
Освіта та кваліфікація
- 2015 – graduated from the Bogomolets National Medical University, Faculty of Medicine (Kyiv).
- 2015-2017 – clinical internship in the specialty “anesthesiology” at the Shupyk National Healthcare University, at the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care .
- 2021 – Award of the second qualification category in the specialty “Anesthesiology” by the commission of the Department of Health Care in Kyiv.
Досвід роботи
- 2015-2017: intern doctor, anesthesiologist of NIHT named after O. O. Shalimova (Kyiv).
- 2018 – an anesthesiologist in the department of anesthesiology and intensive care, in the surgical departments (general surgical, purulent-septic, urological, traumatological, hand surgery) at Kyiv City Clinical Hospital No. 3.
Підвищення кваліфікації
Working knowledge of modern methods of anesthesia and medical treatment for patients with different pathosis:
- General endotracheal anesthesia.
- Inhalational anesthesia.
- General intravenous anesthesia.
- Regional anesthesia.
- Spinal anesthesia.
- Epidural anesthesia.
- Nerve plexus anesthesia