Therapeutic dentistry

Dental therapy is one of the directions of dentistry that deals with the prevention, detection, and conservative treatment of the teeth, gums, oral mucosa diseases, as well as aesthetics. It is the basis for the further stages of treatment, such as implantation, prosthetics, orthodontic, and periodontal treatment. The quality of nidus sanation influences on the final result of the treatment and the health of the whole body as well. The main goal of dental therapy is to preserve the teeth, prevent diseases, and possible teeth destruction.

Dental therapy involves a set of procedures aimed at carrying out therapeutic and preventive measures to preserve the health of the oral cavity, teeth, and gums. The experts of “Certus” clinic provide all possible services in the framework of dental therapy.

Therapeutic dentistry services

Dental therapy includes the following range of procedures and measures:

  • detection and treatment of dental diseases associated with carious and noncarious lesions of the tooth enamel;
  • treatment and filling of dental canals using the most modern materials identical to natural tissues, and effective techniques;
  • dental modeling – the reproduction of removed or damaged parts of the tooth and recovery of mechanical and aesthetic features of the tooth (restoration of the dental crown and enamel color);
  • professional oral hygiene;
  • whitening of tooth enamel;
  • aesthetic procedures aimed to decorate the dentition involving the installation of skyces (tooth studs), and semi-precious and precious minerals refining.

Pre-examination is carried out in order to assess the state of the patient’s oral cavity, the type, and degree of the problem.

Diagnostic methods

In addition to the oral cavity examination, dental therapy provides various diagnostic methods to assess the state of the teeth and identify dental diseases:

  • Check-up analysis of the sensitivity to cold and hot substances. It allows detecting pulpitis, carious destruction, periodontitis, and other pathologies.
  • X-ray examination. The image allows the doctor to determine the condition of the tooth.
  • Electroodontodiagnosis. A doctor examines the tooth using small electrical impulses. In this way, it is possible to find out the sensitive boundary of the tooth as well.

A dental microscope can be used for diagnostic assessment as well. It helps to assess the condition and structure of the tooth at the cellular level with high accuracy.

Professional oral hygiene

Dental plaque poses risks to the health of the teeth as well as the whole body. It can be formed as a result of bad oral hygiene or rare visits to a dentist. If dental plaque grows for a long time, a toothbrush or dental floss will not help to remove it. Dental plaque causes darkening of the enamel, bad breath, dental scales of various hardness, caries or periodontal disease. Such a procedure as professional teeth cleaning allows preventing these complications and destruction of the dental structure. It is recommended to undergo this procedure once every six months.

The dentist will also help you choose the appropriate toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, and dental floss, as well as teach you how to use them correctly.

Treatment of teeth and gums

Dental therapist most often deals with the following diseases:

  • Dental caries. If it has been formed recently and appeared as a small stain, then it would be enough to remove the upper layer of enamel slightly. After that, fluoride treatment is provided, which helps to prevent dental caries, but not just treat it.
  • Pulpitis. This disease implies dental caries, which has already affected the dental canal. In this case, the dentist’s task is to clean and disinfect the affected canal. Then the dentist inserts a dental core into the canal and places a fragment of a coronal section or a filling above it. In some cases, dental prosthetics is required.
  • Periodontitis (periodontal inflammation). A dentist treats lesions with a special paste, which promotes healing. He can carry out professional ultrasonic cleaning as well. Depending on the extent of periodontitis, special oral rinses, and toothpaste, which help to practice oral hygiene, are prescribed to the patient.

All procedures are carried out with the help of high-quality, effective and safe modern materials.

Adhesive micro-prosthetics and dental splinting

High tenacity fiberglass is used within adhesive micro-prosthetics that is carried out without removing the enamel. It allows a dentist to restore one or two teeth by attaching them to the adjacent teeth. In order to ensure a secure attachment, the dentist uses a connecting prosthetic bar and bonding agent. A light-curing tooth is attached to the prosthetic bar.

This method has several important advantages:

  • rugged structure;
  • it is right for people who have a metal allergy;
  • enamel is not damaged;
  • the functionality of the teeth does not change;
  • the teeth nerves are uninjured;
  • the procedure is carried out in one session;
  • affordable price.

Dental splinting helps to strengthen the loose teeth and prevent their loss at once. It stands for the treatment of periodontal diseases, as well as severe forms of periodontitis. Also, dental splinting helps to prevent the development of gum inflammation and other pathoses.

In “Certus” clinic, you can comfortably undergo high-value diagnostics, get high-quality treatment, and take advantage of preventive services that will preserve the health of the oral cavity.

Natalia Prokopovych

Dentist, endodontist

Natalia Prokopovych


Назва процедури Ціна (грн)


300 UAH

Consultation on a treatment plan

550 UAH

Removal of dental plaque with ultrasound

300 UAH

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning

1100 UAH

Air Flow teeth cleaning

1100 UAH

Complex cleaning of teeth Air Flow + ultrasound (2 jaws)

1500 UAH

Splinting of mobile teeth

1000 UAH

Periodontal pocket curettage (closed)

650 UAH

Periodontal pocket curettage (open)

1400 UAH

Home whitening (tray + gel)

3200 UAH

Additional gel for home whitening

900 UAH

Restoration with composite after endotic treatment

950 UAH

Glass ionomer filling

650 UAH

Photopolymer filling

1050 UAH

Restoration of a wedge-shaped defect

1000 UAH

Restoration of teeth (medium caries)

1400 UAH

Restoration of teeth (deep caries)

1600 UAH

Artistic tooth restoration

2300 UAH

Fissure sealing (1 tooth)

900 UAH

Elimination of a chipped tooth

600 UAH

Providing medical care in case of acute pain

850 UAH

Mechanical and medical treatment of the root canal under a microscope

800 UAH

Root canal filling using the hot gutta-percha method

850 UAH

Mechanical and medical treatment of a previously treated root canal

1300 UAH

Filling the root canal with a medicinal paste

500 UAH

Removal of a foreign body from the root canal I cat.

1250 UAH

Removal of a foreign body from a root canal II cat.

1900 UAH

Removal of a foreign body from the root canal III cat.

2300 UAH

Revision of the root canal

1300 UAH

Removal of the root pin

1200 UAH

Removal of a stump inlay (single-rooted tooth)

1600 UAH

Removal of the stump inlay (multi-rooted tooth)

2000 UAH

Insertion of a fiberglass post (single-rooted tooth)

1700 UAH

Placement of a fiberglass post (multi-rooted tooth)

2000 UAH

Pre-build-up (preliminary restoration of the crown before endodontic treatment)

450 UAH

Closure of the apex, MTA perforation

1500 UAH

Cofferdam, Optragate application

170 UAH

Covering the tooth with a desensitizer

550 UAH

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